
Sell your stuff with Vint Street

Selling is easy.

Step 1: List your stuff for free.

Create a seller account on Vint Street. Take photos of your stuff. Write a nifty description. Set your price. Then, ‘upload’ your listing to make it live.

Step 2: Sold? Time to send it

Hooray, someone’s bought your stuff. Time to wrap and pack. Use your prepaid label to send your stuff to the buyer. Make sure you ship within 5 days.

Step 3: Your money is coming

Once your buyer has received their package, and confirmed everything is OK, your money will be coming to you. Time to list something else!

Find your new favourite thing

Safe shopping with Vint Street.

Step 1: Find something special

Browse the site, find your favourite brands or that special thing you’ve been looking for.

Step 2: Time to buy

Got questions? Ask the seller. Or make a cheeky offer. When you’re ready to buy, use your card, Apple Pay or Vint Street balance. Your purchase will include our Buyer Protection Fee.

Step 3: Wait by the window

You’ll get an estimated delivery date, so just patiently wait for your purchase. Once you receive your item (if it’s from a seller) make sure you mark everything as OK.

About our safer shopping

Buyer Protection Fee: We add on a 7.2% fee to all purchases on Vint Street. This fee is a layer of protection for you, it helps safeguard your money and purchase. You can find out more about our fee here.

Our refund policy

If you buy an item from Vint Street and you aren’t happy with it, you can contact us to make a complaint. If you have bought your item from a private seller, you can raise a dispute. You can read more about complaints and disputes here

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